April 2023: GREAT web portal is online

The web application of the GREAT GNSS system is now online. The dashboard allows users to manage a network of permanent GNSS stations, analysing telemetry, GNSS data quality computed with an integrated instance of GNUT-Anubis and displacements of each single multi-frequency multi-constellation receiver. If you are interested, you can contact us at info@greatgnss.eu for more information about the system and for a demo of the functionalities of the software.

April 2023: stations’ deployment complete

Six permanent stations based on the GREAT GNSS receivers are now fully operational in the two test sites in the Île-de-France (France) and Wallonia (Belgium) regions. GREAT receivers are completely autonomous in terms of data transmission, given the integrated LTE modem. A 100W solar panel and a 24 Ah backup battery are enough to allow their continuous operation. Thank you to people from Teria and M3System Belgium for their precious work on the field!

December 2022: hardware development complete

Here we are! The final version of the GREAT GNSS receiver is finally available. It implements all the functionalities foreseen by the project’s requirements: a full GNSS receiver (Septentrio Mosaic X5), an LTE modem for remote data transmission (Telit LT910C1-WWX) and a photovoltaic charger, all integrated on a single electronic board. We are now ready to deeply test it and deploy at least six receivers in the field!

December 2021: first prototypes available

The development of the “alpha” version of the GREAT board is complete. Two prototype devices, integrating the Septentrio Mosaic X5 receiver, are now ready for the laboratory tests!


Janaury 2021: project kick-off meeting

The project kick-off meeting was held online, exploiting the Google Meet platform, on January 27th, 2021. Representants of all partners and the GSA project officer participated in the event.

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