Work packages

The workplan is organized in five work-packages, covering the entire development process.

1.3.2 Grafico_n

WP1. Management and coordination

The main objectives of the work-package are to provide project coordination, reporting, ensuring quality and unique point of contact for GSA; to collect all project information and develop and detail the time-schedule highlighting the potential risk (task failure, delay) during the whole project; to ensure the best communication and coordination between each partner of GREAT consortium.


WP2. User requirements definition

The main objectives of the WP are to define the target applications and to identify the current technology gaps. Based on such findings, the consortium will identify the user requirements that will be used in the subsequent design and development phases.


WP3. Design and development

The work-package is devoted to the design and development of the GREAT prototype, including all hardware and software subsystems and testing tools. Assembly and integration of the modules in a fully functional system will be part of the work-package, too.


WP4. Test and validation

The goals of the work-package are the definition of test plan and test procedures, the execution of all factory and field tests, and the realization demonstration campaigns. All results will be documented and summarized in relevant deliverables.


WP5. Exploitation and dissemination

The work-package aims at developing the business plan to define a thorough evaluation of the economic viability of the GREAT project. It includes tasks required to coordinate the dissemination activities, their planning, operations, monitoring and reporting. Finally, the work-package promotes the involvement of stakeholders and potential end-users in the value chain during and beyond the project.